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Young Women Going Back to Nature - the Toolkit

The Toolkit ‘’Young Women Going Back to Nature’’ is intended to offer a thoughtful and impactful approach in working with young women within the realm of nature and outdoor activities involving a well-structured progression. This useful document was developed by the partners in the project Youth Going Back to Nature - Engage, Connect, Empower.

This process begins with icebreakers, which serve as essential starting points for building trust, rapport, and a safe environment. As the journey progresses to metaphor cards, participants are encouraged to explore their thoughts and feelings through the power of symbolism and storytelling. These cards act as a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious, allowing individuals to tap into their inner wisdom. Participants might find that as they select metaphor cards and discuss their significance within the context of their journey, they gain new insights into their narratives. Metaphors often resonate deeply because they allow for a non-linear, more intuitive exploration of one's inner landscape.

The journey from metaphor cards to the construction of a reciprocal roof represents a profound exploration of self-discovery, trust-building, and relationship construction, symbolizing the reciprocity and mutual support required in relationships. This shared endeavor deepens connections, with participants integrating their metaphorical insights into their actions during construction. This holistic approach combines emotional and physical growth, emphasizing the interwoven concepts of metaphor, trust, and building, offering a multi-layered and transformative journey of self and interpersonal exploration.

Download the full Toolkit below.

YGBN Toolkit Young Women
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All activities in the Toolkit are inspired by the practices shared during the Learning Exchange Event that gathered 12 professionals from the partnering organizaitons in the project.

The journey from trustful relationships will deepen into sensory stimulation exercises, an essential transition to foster a profound connection and heightened awareness among individuals. The trust serves as the bedrock upon which participants feel secure and open to exploring their sensory experiences in a group setting. These exercises, which may involve activities such as mindfulness, guided visualization, or sensory mindfulness, allow participants to deepen their connection not only with themselves but with one another. By engaging the senses, they create a shared, embodied experience that transcends verbal communication and taps into a deeper level of understanding and empathy, strengthening the bonds forged through trust.

This sensory exploration is vital in building a holistic and transformative journey that connects individuals on a profound emotional and sensory level, ultimately enhancing the quality of their relationships and self-discovery.

As they move through the trust-building and sensory exercises, these individuals develop a profound sense of self-awareness and connection with others, laying a strong foundation for the ultimate step - interacting with horses. Horses, as intuitive and responsive animals, become powerful mirrors for the participants' emotions and behaviors. This phase of the journey often leads to significant realizations and breakthrough moments as the young women come face to face with their authentic selves, fostering empowerment and a deeper understanding of their unique paths of personal growth and self-discovery. It's a process that not only engages and connects them but also empowers them to embrace their individual journeys with confidence and self-assurance.

Download the full Toolkit below.

YGBN Toolkit Young Women
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More about the project learn here.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project: YGBN - Youth Going Back to Nature - Engage, Connect, Empower. Nr. 2022-2-BG01-KA220-YOU-000098776.

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