This Friday, Saturday and Sunday (June 23-25) will be dedicated to our first large-scale international project - Youth in Equine-Assisted Therapy. Our main event will be on June 24th.
You will learn more about:
• Our partners from Italy, Belgium and Bulgaria
• How we and our partners did in-depth research on youth participation in equine-assisted therapy
• What were the most interesting moments during the international educational exchange we organized in the spring of 2022
• Guidelines for everyone interested in equine-assisted therapy, created by us and our partners.
You will also be able to receive a free hard copy of the Youth in Equine-Assisted Therapy Guidelines. If you're curious to see what's in it, you can download it now right here. The guidelines are the result of more than a year of international research on good practices and the exchange of innovative ideas between the partners.
The event also marks the official end of our Youth in Equine-Assisted Therapy project. However, the team will continue to work to spread the word about the important role young people play in equine-assisted therapy.
Official number of the project: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000029078 'This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.'