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Innovative Environmentally Sustainable Outdoor Activities

Creating innovative Environmentally Sustainable Outdoor Activities is the main goal of the upcoming learning exchange event that our foundation is organizing. The event will gather participants from the 6 partner organizations from 6 European countries - Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, and Bulgaria. Each partner have a wide variety of outdoor activities to show. We will blend them together and focus on those that are suitable for young women.

The experience will be filmed in a documentary. The best practices will be later available in the form of a free to download Toolkit for everyone interested.

The event is the first in-person activity of our international project Youth Going Back to Nature - Engage, Connect, Empower supported by the Erasmus + Program. The learning exchange will be followed by a meeting of all partner organizations that will mark the foundation of the European Youth Outdoor Network.

In the meantime the consortium is busy working on a new online platform for outdoor activities, designed for young people. The platform will be offering a space to connect and exchange information and skills on outdoor activities that are environmentally sustainable.

More about the YGBN project you can find here.

Official number of the project: 2022-2-BG01-KA220-YOU-000098776 'This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.'

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