Our last YEAT Project event was filled with lots of activities with the therapy horses and our visitors. We were able to tell everyone what wonderful animals horses are, how they can help people with special needs, and what a huge role youth play in this type of therapy. Everyone received a free booklet – the YEAT Guidelines developed as a result of the project.
It was a pleasure to see how the innovative practices we developed during the project are put into practice. Families with young people with special needs who visited us experienced the therapeutic power of horses for themselves. One of the young boys recognized the horse he was riding in the YEAT Guidelines and brought the horse the booklet to see it. His mother shared that the connection is a major breakthrough for the cognitive development of the boy.

Our visitors had the opportunity to learn all the details about the YEAT project, our international partners and the advantages of the Erasmus+ program, which finances the implementation of the project.
We thank all participants and hope that they will continue to promote equine-assisted therapy as an effective method for improving the condition of youth with special needs.
More about the project you can find here: https://www.pqfbulgaria.org/youthinequineassistedtherapy
Official number of the project: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000029078 'This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.'